Own Your Business Name & Logo:
Australian Trademark
Registration Service

Trademark Registration Service $699 +GST&GovFees

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Legal123 was incredibly helpful with my trademark application. I was really happy with the service and definitely recommend Vanessa and the team.

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Alana Wimmer
Editor, Raspberry Magazine

What’s included in our Trademark Registration Service?

1. Comprehensive Trademark Search

Our thorough search process includes:

  • Checking your business name and its variations across IP Australia’s database
  • Searching ASIC records for conflicting business names
  • Examining domain name registrations for potential conflicts

2. Expert Advice on Your Application

We offer personalized guidance to strengthen your trademark application with IP Australia, including:

  • Providing a detailed report of our findings to assess the viability of your trademark
  • Recommending the most appropriate Classes for business name, logo, or tagline
  • Advising on potential issues or conflicts we identify during our search
  • Suggesting modifications to improve your chances of successful registration

3. Trademark Application Preparation and Lodgement

We handle the entire application process:

  • Completing all necessary paperwork with precision
  • Lodging your application with IP Australia
  • Providing you with confirmation of lodgement and application number
  • Notifying you promptly once your trademark is officially registered

4. Ongoing Support Throughout the Registration Process

Our service doesn’t end at lodgement. We will:

  • Monitor your application’s progress
  • Respond to routine inquiries from IP Australia on your behalf
  • Keep you informed at each stage of the process
  • Provide advice if any issues arise during the application examination

What’s Not Included in Our Service

For complete transparency, we want you to be aware of what’s not covered:

  • Registration Guarantee: While we strive for success, we cannot guarantee that every trademark will be registrable or registered.
  • Extensive Amendments: If IP Australia rejects your application and significant changes are required, additional fees may apply.
  • Responding to Objections: If formal objections are raised by IP Australia or third parties, addressing these may incur extra costs.
  • Government Fees: The ‘per Class’ application fees charged by IP Australia are not included in our service fee.

Why choose our Trademark Registration Service?

  • Expert Guidance: Our experienced team navigates the complex trademark registration process for you, ensuring accuracy and thoroughness.
  • Comprehensive Search: We conduct exhaustive searches across multiple databases to identify potential conflicts, reducing the risk of rejection.
  • Tailored Advice: Get personalized recommendations on the best classes for your trademark and strategies to strengthen your application.
  • Time and Stress Savings: We handle all paperwork and communication with IP Australia, freeing you to focus on your business.
  • Cost-Effective: Benefit from professional trademark registration services at a competitive price, avoiding costly mistakes of DIY approaches.
  • Ongoing Support: Our service doesn’t end at filing. We provide support throughout the registration process and beyond.
  • Risk Mitigation: Our expertise helps minimize the risk of rejection or future legal disputes over your trademark.
  • Trusted Experience: Since 2009, we’ve successfully helped dozens of Australian businesses protect their brands.

How our Trademark Registration Service protects you

Trademark registration is essential. ASIC registration of your ‘Pty Ltd’ company or business name does not protect your brand. Without a trademark, others can legally use your business name, risking your reputation and customer base.

Our Trademark Registration Service offers comprehensive protection:

  • Thorough conflict check: We search multiple databases to identify potential conflicts, preventing costly disputes and application rejections.
  • Expert application preparation: We ensure accurate, comprehensive applications and select appropriate classes to maximize your protection.
  • Legal support for disputes: We provide guidance and support if objections arise, navigating complex legal situations to protect your interests.
  • Exclusive brand rights: Registration gives you the legal right to exclusively use your business name, logo, or tagline across Australia.
  • Future-proof your business: Trademark registration is valuable for selling, licensing, or franchising your business, creating a strong, legally protected brand.

How It Works

We’ve streamlined the trademark registration process to make it as hassle-free as possible for you. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Purchase the Service: Click the ‘Purchase’ button and complete your transaction.
  2. Complete Our Online Form: After purchase, you’ll be directed to our secure online form to provide your business details and logo.
  3. We Prepare Your Application: Our expert team reviews your submission, conducts trademark searches, and prepares your application.
  4. Application Approval: We review the application details with you, including agreeing on the classes. IP Australia class fees are payable at this stage.
  5. Lodgement and Monitoring: We file your application with IP Australia and monitor its progress throughout the process.
  6. Ongoing Support and Registration: We keep you updated, address any issues, and notify you when your trademark is registered, providing official documentation.

Need help at any stage? Our support team is just a phone call or email away.

Who needs Trademark Registration?

Unlike business name registration, trademarking prevents others from using your name or a similar name, logo or brand identity in your industry. The following businesses need trademark registration:

  • Established companies
  • New businesses and startups
  • Online businesses and apps
  • Service providers
  • Creative professionals
  • Product inventors and manufacturers
  • Franchises or businesses planning to franchise
  • Businesses expanding interstate or internationally

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to register my trademark?

Registering your trademark is a crucial step in protecting your brand and business. Here’s why it’s so important:

  1. Business Name Protection: Unlike a business name registration, a trademark stops others from using similar names in your industry.
  2. Exclusive Rights: Registration gives you the exclusive right to use your trademark for your goods or services across Australia.
  3. Legal Protection: It provides a strong legal basis to take action against anyone who uses your mark without permission.
  4. Deterrent Effect: The ® symbol warns others that your mark is protected, often preventing potential infringement.
  5. Asset Creation: A registered trademark becomes a valuable business asset, which can be sold, licensed, or used as security.
  6. Brand Credibility: It adds credibility to your brand and can help build trust with customers.
  7. National Coverage: Your protection extends across all of Australia, not just your local area.
  8. Franchise Potential: Essential if you plan to franchise your business in the future.
  9. Export Readiness: It’s often a prerequisite for registering your trademark in other countries.
  10. Dispute Prevention: It helps avoid costly legal battles over brand ownership in the future.

Remember, while registering a business name with ASIC is mandatory, it doesn’t provide the comprehensive protection that a registered trademark does. Trademark registration is your strongest defence in protecting your brand identity.

What are trademark ‘Classes’?

When you register a trademark, you need to specify which classes your goods or services fall under. There are 45 different classes in total – 34 for products and 11 for services. For example:

  • Class 25 covers clothing, footwear, and headgear
  • Class 43 covers services for providing food and drink

Typically, when filing a trademark application, most businesses register for 1 to 3 classes. However, the exact number can vary depending on the nature and scope of your business.

Can I register a trademark myself?

Yes, you can register a trademark yourself, but it’s important to understand the pros and cons of DIY vs. using a professional service:

Pros and Cons of DIY

  • Pro #1: Potentially lower upfront costs
  • Pro #2: Direct control over the process
  • Con #1: Time-consuming and complex process
  • Con #2: Risk of errors that could lead to rejection
  • Con #3: Might miss potential conflicts in trademark searches
  • Con #4: Difficulty in selecting appropriate classes
  • Con #5: Limited ability to respond to objections

Pros and Cons of Professional Service

  • Pro #1: Expert guidance throughout the process
  • Pro #2: Comprehensive trademark searches
  • Pro #3: Accurate selection of appropriate classes
  • Pro #4: Higher likelihood of successful registration
  • Pro #5: Time-saving for you and your business
  • Pro #6: Support in responding to objections or office actions
  • Pro #7: Long-term cost savings by avoiding potential legal issues
  • Con #1: Higher upfront cost compared to DIY

What if my application is rejected?

If your trademark application is rejected, don’t worry – it’s not the end of the road. Here’s what happens:

  1. Notification: We’ll promptly inform you of the application rejection and the reasons provided by IP Australia.
  2. Analysis: Our experts will carefully review the rejection reasons and assess the best course of action.
  3. Options: Depending on the situation, we may:
    • Suggest modifications to your application to address the examiner’s concerns
    • Recommend filing a response to challenge the rejection
    • Advise on alternative approaches, such as filing a new application with changes
  4. Guidance: We’ll explain your options clearly, including potential costs and likelihood of success.
  5. Action: With your approval, we can prepare and submit a response to IP Australia or file a modified application.
  6. Follow-up: We’ll continue to liaise with IP Australia and keep you updated throughout the process.

Remember, many initially rejected applications can be successful after appropriate amendments or responses. Our experienced team is here to guide you through any challenges and work towards securing your trademark registration.

Note: Additional fees may apply for significant amendments or responses, as these involve extra work beyond the standard application process.

How much does it cost to trademark a logo in Australia?

The cost of trademarking a logo in Australia consists of two parts: our service fee and government fees.

Our Service Fee: $699 + GST

This covers:

  • Comprehensive trademark searches
  • Expert advice on Trademark Classes
  • Preparation and filing of your Trademark application
  • Follow-up communication with IP Australia

Government Fees: $250 – $500

IP Australia charges:

  • $250 per Class (no GST applies)
  • Most applications typically cover 1-2 Classes

Typical Total Cost: $1,019 – $1,269

How long does the trademark registration process take?

The trademark registration process typically takes 6+ months from start to finish. However, your trademark protection starts as soon as your application is lodged and acknowledged by IP Australia.

The approximate timings for getting through the trademark registration process are as follows:

  • Initial Search and Application Preparation: 1-2 weeks
  • Application Lodgement: 1-3 business days
  • Examination by IP Australia: 2-3 months
  • Opposition Period: 2 months
  • Registration (if no opposition): 1-2 weeks

Do I get immediate trademark protection once I apply?

Yes, you receive a form of trademark protection as soon as your application is filed with IP Australia:

  • Priority Date: Your application date becomes your ‘priority date’, giving you precedence over later applicants for similar trademarks.
  • Pending Rights: While you wait for your trademark to be approved and fully registered, you can use the ™ symbol to indicate your claim to the trademark.
  • Officially Registered: Full legal protection only comes into effect once your trademark is officially registered. You can then use the ® symbol, and your rights to the trademark will be considered to have started from the initial ‘priority date’.

You can only take legal action for trademark infringement once your trademark is officially registered.

How do I trademark my brand overseas?

Protecting your brand internationally involves several steps, starting with registering your trademark in Australia first. This establishes a ‘priority date’ for international applications. Then you have two choices:

  1. Country-by-Country Approach: You can apply separately in each country where you want trademark protection. However, this method can be costly and complex.
  2. Madrid Protocol: Australia is a member of the Madrid Protocol, which simplifies international trademark registration. You file a single application designating multiple countries, which can be more cost-effective.

You have 6 months from your Australian filing date to claim priority in other countries. After this, your applications are treated based on their actual filing dates in each country.

For more information and a personalised strategy for your international trademark, please contact us.

How can I reach a person to help me?

Three easy ways. One, email us at support@legal123.com.au or use the contact form. Two, call us in Sydney on (02) 8003 7317. Three, book a 30-minute call if you need legal advice or want to discuss your specific business situation.

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Trademark your business name, brand and logo to ensure it belongs to you and cannot be used by anyone else.

  • Expert guidance through the entire trademark registration process
  • Experienced trademark lawyers
  • Professionally prepared application
  • Advice on appropriate trademark classes
  • Keep you informed throughout the process
  • Immediate start after purchase
  • Email and telephone support
  • Rated

Trademark Registration Service $699 +GST & Government Fees

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