App Legal Package

• Everything you need to launch your mobile App
• Privacy Policy + Disclaimer + Terms of Use + ‘EULA’
• Quick and easy online form

Very affordable, easy to use, excellent customer service. Jon
app legals

Everything you need for your mobile App

The App Legal Package includes everything you need (from a legal perspective) to launch your mobile App:

  • App Privacy Policy – To explain how you collect, use and store your App users’ personal information.
  • App Disclaimer – Apple’s App Store Disclaimer protects Apple, not you! You need your own Disclaimer.
  • App Terms of Use – Your App should clearly state the general Terms under which it may be used.
  • App ‘EULA’ – Your App users should agree to your ‘End User Licence Agreement’ before downloading your App.

Terms of Use and ‘EULA’ … Why both?

App Terms of Use cover how your App can be used. These clauses protect you in case your App malfunctions or is improperly used and you need to block certain users. If your App has paid subscriptions or is advertising-funded, then the applicable clauses are included in your Terms of Use.

App ‘EULA’ covers the downloading, installing and use of your App. This licence agreement is narrower in scope than your Terms of Use and covers the licensing of the software itself, including prohibiting reverse engineering or making additional copies of the App.

Your App ‘EULA’ can be set by your developer to pop up when a user first opens your App, so they have to click to agree to it.

app legal package eula
app legal package inputs

One quick and easy online form

Just input your App name, company or website name, contact details and whether your App is subscription-based or accepts advertisers. Then, the template automatically generates your App legal notices. Copy and paste the text into your App website editor (or email them to your App developer), link to them from within your App, and you’re done.

You can literally be finished in less than 10 minutes!

Free updates so you don’t worry about legislation changes

Australian Consumer and Privacy law is constantly changing, particularly with regard to the Internet and online businesses. We’re Australian lawyers, and we make it our business to keep on top of these changes. We don’t overwhelm you with emails, but when the law changes and the template is updated, we let you know so you never have to worry.

free updates are included so your website legals are never out of date
the legal123 website legals template includes online video instructions and telephone support

Online video instructions and telephone support

There’s a short online video with instructions – but the template is so easy you probably won’t need it. We also always include a “walk through” of the legal notices, stepping you through them and explaining important clauses.

And you can always call us if you have any questions.

Is the App legal package right for me?

I have paid subscribers on my App …
No problem. Just tick the ‘Users pay a monthly/annual subscription fee’ option in the template, and the necessary terms will be automatically added to your App Terms of Use.

I have advertisers on my App …
No problem. Just tick the ‘Advertisers contact me to advertise on App’ option in the template, and the necessary terms will be automatically added to your App Terms of Use.

I market to UK and EU customers …
If your App targets UK and EU users, then you need to comply with the new GDPR legislation. You’ll also need to update your App Privacy Policy with additional GDPR Privacy Policy Clauses.

I have a SaaS (web App) product with an App front end …
In this case, don’t use the App ‘EULA’ but do use the App Terms of Use. You don’t want to accidentally license your software to your users when they are just signing up for the service itself.

The package includes

  • App Privacy Policy – To clarify for your users what personal information you collect, how it is used, stored and purged.
  • App Disclaimer – To state that you are not responsible for any issues associated with download or use of your App.
  • App Terms of Use – To state the general terms under which your App may be used. Including rules for subscribers and advertisers, limiting your liability and protecting your copyright.
  • Single Use – Licensed for use on 1 mobile App only.
  • App ‘EULA’ – To cover the licensing of the software itself, including prohibiting reverse engineering or making additional copies of the App.
  • App Developer Email – We’ve included a standard email to send your App developer to obtain a Warranty confirming the App permissions used.
  • Updates – Customers are notified when there is a major change to the legislation and templates.
money back guarantee seal

We offer a full money back guarantee if our templates are not suitable for your circumstances or a technical difficulty prevents you from using them. If you have questions about buying online, check out How it Works and FAQs.

App Legal Package

Are you an App Developer? Our templates are for single/personal use only. If you would like to earn commission for referring your clients to use our package for their own App, then why not join our Affiliate Program.

What our clients say …

Customer service is fantastic

Such a great model for obtaining business legal docs - if you know what you need, you can save serious money - customer service is fantastic as well.

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Founder, Chevalier Services
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