Become an Affiliate of Legal123

As an affiliate of Legal123 you’ll earn a commission for referring visitors to the website who become customers. The key features of the Legal123 affiliate program are:

  • Affiliate commission is 20% of sales value (net of GST and any discounts)
  • Paid at the beginning of the month for all sales during the previous month
  • Affiliate payments made to PayPal accounts only
  • No minimum sales hurdle before affiliate commissions are earned
  • Email notification when an affiliate sale is made
  • Affiliate links and QR codes are available
  • Share on your website, by email or social channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter/X)
  • Affiliate resources include an affiliate link builder, details of referral sales, referral statistics and a monthly newsletter
  • Affiliate-referred visitor cookie expires after 1 month
  • Affiliate commissions not paid on custom legal services, sales for your personal use, in your personal name, for related parties, to non-Australian customers, or not using your affiliate link

We use an automated system to sign-up, support and pay affiliates – and try to make it as easy as possible for you to become an affiliate of this website. And we do our absolute best to track referral sales – but affiliate tracking sometimes has it’s limitations.

FAQ: Why didn’t I earn a referral commission?

Affiliate referrals to the Legal123 website are tracked by cookies (‘affwp_ref’ stores the affiliate’s ID and ‘affwp_ref_visit_id’ stores the number of visits). If the cookies are not present in the visitor’s web browser when a sale is made, then the sale will not be linked back to the affiliate. The cookies might be missing for a number of reasons:

  • The cookies expired (our cookies expire after one month)
  • The visitor’s web browser is set to block cookies
  • The visitor has cleared cookies saved in their web browser
  • The visitor came to the Legal123 website using an “incognito” tab
  • The visitor is using an ad blocker that prevents cookies
  • Another affiliate’s cookies are already active in the visitor’s web browser
  • Javascript errors on our website have stopped the cookies from being deployed

If you have any questions about our affiliate program please contact Legal123.

Already an affiliate? Use this link to log into Your Affiliate Account.