In case you become mentally or physically incapacitated
Use an Enduring Power of Attorney to authorise someone to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. For example:
- Managing your bank accounts and share portfolio
- Selling your property or real estate assets
- Paying your day-to-day bills, etc.
An Enduring Power of Attorney, however, does not cover making medical decisions for you. In this case you’ll need a ‘Health Direction’ or ‘Advance Health Care Directive’.
Quick and easy online form
You can literally be done in 10 minutes. All you need is some basic information – the name and address of the person you are giving the authority to and a description of the duties to be performed. The template is written in plain English, so it’s easy to understand. Plus you can re-use the template again and again.
Online video instructions and telephone support
Online video instructions are included. We step you through filling out the online form and explain important clauses as we go. But the form is not complicated and the instruction video is short.
And you can always call us if you have any questions.
The form needs to be signed by a ‘Prescribed Witness’
For your Enduring Power of Attorney to be valid you need a ‘Prescribed Witness’ to go through the document with you and then sign it. A ‘Prescribed Witness’ can be:
- Australian or overseas lawyer
- Local court registrar
- Licensed conveyancer, or
- Qualified trustee company employee
The law requires this because you are granting important powers over your affairs to another person.
Is the Enduring Power of Attorney right for me?
I don’t live in NSW …
This Enduring Power of Attorney template is valid in NSW only. Legal123 will be adding templates for additional States soon. Use our contact form to check release dates.
I’m worried about being on a life support machine …
An Enduring Power of Attorney covers making financial and legal decisions on your behalf. It does not cover making medical decisions for you. In this case you’ll need a ‘Health Direction’ or ‘Advance Health Care Directive’.
My ageing parent may develop Alzheimer’s …
Then you need your parent to set up an Enduring Power of Attorney. This will allow you to make financial and legal decisions on their behalf after they lose their mental faculties.
I’m going into hospital …
If you just want a trusted friend or business colleague to take care of a matter for you (e.g. paying bills, buying/selling a car or property, etc.) then use a Power of Attorney form.
The form includes
- Multiple ‘attorneys’ – You can nominate up to 4 ‘attorneys’ (people you trust) to act on your behalf.
- Multiple recipients – You can nominate up to 4 recipients to receive funds for their living, medical, travel, etc. expenses.
- Variable start date – You can select either straight away, when your ‘attorneys’ determine you need assistance or when a medical professional considers you need help.
- Limitations clause – You can add any special conditions or limitations you wish to place on your ‘attorneys’.
- ‘Prescribed Witness’ certificate – To ensure your Enduring Power of Attorney form is valid.
- Online videos – Explaining who can act as your ‘attorney’, if your Enduring Power of Attorney needs to be registered and how to revoke your Enduring Power of Attorney.
We offer a full money back guarantee if our templates are not suitable for your circumstances or a technical difficulty prevents you from using them. If you have questions about buying online, check out How it Works and FAQs.
Enduring Power of Attorney Form (NSW)
What our clients say …
I needed insight and advice to help navigate through what to me were unchartered waters starting my first online business. And Vanessa delivered on both counts. But she also made me feel that it was as important to her as it was to me that we sorted out the best way forward and managed the embryonic relationships sensitively. Thank goodness I chose Legal123.
I purchased the Website Legal Package and paid a little bit more to have it customised to suit my unique needs. Legal123 were absolutely fantastic - very responsive and very helpful. I feel I got great value for money. My new web business now has all the Ts & Cs in place for just hundreds rather than thousands of dollars. I'll definitely turn to you the next time we require a legal template. Thank you!
After numerous conversations with some of Australia's leading Legal firms, I stumbled across Legal123. During the first few minutes of our conversation it was clear to me that Vanessa's knowledge around Website legalities was superior. Engaging Legal123 so early in the piece enabled our team to make many critical changes to the point where Vanessa now plays a pivotal role in our success. I couldn't recommend Legal123 more highly.
Outstanding. Love the speed and efficiency of getting the forms I needed!
Customer service is EXCEPTIONAL - great product to boot - saved us thousands.
Such a great model for obtaining business legal docs - if you know what you need, you can save serious money - customer service is fantastic as well.
Ease of use - Epic. Quality of products - Awesome. Support - Sensational. Will use them again - Are you kidding? Of course. Will recommend to friends - Already did!
Absolutely impressed with both the legal document package I purchased today and the subsequent customer service I received from Legal123 when I had an issue with the order. Great customer service and thanks heaps. You definitely made my day today.
I found the templates so easy and simple. Rather than spend hours on sites trying to determine what I needed, I simply purchased and uploaded and my site was finally ready to be launched. I would recommend this process to anyone.